
Monday, May 5, 2014

Episode #11- Let's learn English in the world of Web.2.0.

            I will teach an English course from 4/30~6/4  with a course title of Let’s learn English in the world of Web2.0. in the Light of Love Mission Church(LOLMC). I am very happy to have a chance to get back to the church what I have owed since I came to LOLMC.
            First of all, I have to think of why I want to teach English in the church. What made me think of teaching? I come upon many ideas of what my close deaconesses have said to me with the fact that they are eager to learn English. Though they have lived in U.S for more than 10 or more so, their level of English ceased as there have been rare opportunity for them to learn English unexpectedly.
Most of them have inferiority complex of English. The population in the church consists of Korean immigrant. I am not sure of that what percentage of 1st generation, and what percentage of 2nd or 3rd to 4th generation takes charge of the church, but I came to know the first Korean generation who I know has difficulty in communicating in real society. Most of them appeal to stress, kind of pain, inferiority, frustration, but eagerness to learn English. They had lost chances to learn English at the beginning of their immigrant due to the childcare, household duties, and financial difficulty,
Another obstacle they have for language learning is lack of motivation.
They think they don’t’ need to try to learn English any more as even though they live in U.S., they live in the limited society of Korean community without big difficulties.

This is my challenge!!!

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